*大家好, 我是B.c.N.y. ( Han-Yuan, Yu), 有個開心的訊息與大家分享。
編輯評語:「構圖, 色彩, 質感, 氛圍...翰元處理到了很多重點. 更重要的是將引人入勝的故事敘述與哀傷的優雅, 包裝進每一個繪製的如此美麗的外表, 無論是多麼"黑暗"的主題. 小心這個傢伙!」
原本以為只是單純的展現在介紹畫家的單元, 出人意表的卻於單元後, 編排著關於我的個人跨頁廣告, 預告著ImagineFX 107期的「美好事情」, 讓我相當驚喜, 同更為期待著該期的出刊. 至於這個「美好事情」的秘密, 請容我暫時保密, 敬請大家期待吧!
我在ImagineFX magazine上的其他獲邀記錄:
107期漫畫特刊封面繪製: https://www.facebook.com/BcnyArt/photos/a.59893296...
115期畫家的工作室: http://bcny.pixnet.net/blog/post/240708484
lmagineFX 漫畫特集 Vol.2 2015 : http://bcny.pixnet.net/blog/post/305973864
ImagineFX magazine臉書連結: https://www.facebook.com/imaginefx/
Hi everyone, this is Han-Yuan, Yu (B.c.N.y.). I have a glad information to share.
I’m honored that I’ve been introduced on international magazine ImagineFX march 2014. Inside the issue are two pages about my three illustrations and profile. I especially love the comment from ImagineFX editor:
"Composition, colour, texture, mood...Han-Yuan nails the lot. And he packs engaging storytelling and elegiac elegance into each beautifully rendered extrior, no matter how 'dark' the theme. Watch out for this guy!"
Originally I thought I’ve only been displayed in the Reader FxPose section of this issue. Surprisingly I found there are two pages advertisement that displayed my entire illustration. I’m excited about the next issue.