精彩的Creative Comic Collection創作集(CCC),於2012年2月推出了第八期的刊物,這次我也很榮幸地負責了專題「四季慶典彩畫」裡兩個原住民節慶的彩色插畫。這期也於第二十屆台北國際書展首賣!
這幅插畫刊載於Creative Comic Collection創作集(CCC)的第八集中。
This Illustration had finished at about AUG, 2011.
This one is the commercial case for Taiwan magazine "Creative Comic Collection vol.8", full title of this illustration is " Singing and dancing:Harvest –Taiwanese aborigine Amis tribe celebrates Harvest Festival."
This illustration is depicting a Taiwanese aboriginal festivity. I wanted to describe the tribe of Amis’s traditional dance in the festival which was full of Amis’s enthusiasm. ; Therefore, I tried to draw a lot of sketches to catch the best angle of the beautiful move of the dance. All objects in the picture are portrayed based on actual photo data.